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Hours of Operation: Monday Through Thursday 7:20 AM - 5:00 PM

Get In Touch
USA Custom Jackets

Tejas Manufacturing Co.
763 W. 29th St.
San Angelo, TX 76903

(877) 655-5732 toll free
(325) 655-5732 local
(325) 653-0523 fax

Leadership Excellence

Leadership Excellence
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Knit Color Grid

Additional Information

Bottom Felt Color

Black, Bright Gold, Brown, Cardinal, Colombian Blue, Dark Orange, Forest Green, Golden Grass, Grey, Kelly Green, Knit, Maroon, Navy, Old Gold, Orange, Pink, Plum, Purple, Red, Royal Blue, Tan, Teal, Texas Gold, Vegas gold, White

Top Felt Color

Black, Bright Gold, Brown, Cardinal, Colombian Blue, Dark Orange, Forest Green, Golden Grass, Grey, Kelly Green, Maroon, Navy, Old Gold, Orange, Pink, Plum, Purple, Red, Royal Blue, Tan, Teal, Texas Gold, Vegas Gold, White

Chenille Color

Black, Bright Gold, Brown, Cardinal, Colombian Blue, Dark Orange, Forest Green, Golden Grass, Grey, Kelly Green, Maroon, Navy, Old Gold, Orange, Pink, Plum, Purple, Red, Royal Blue, Tan, Teal, Texas Gold, Vegas Gold, White

Outline Color

Black, Bright Gold, Brown, Cardinal, Colombian Blue, Dark Orange, Forest Green, Golden Grass, Grey, Kelly Green, Knit, Maroon, Navy, Old Gold, Orange, Pink, Plum, Purple, Red, Royal Blue, Tan, Teal, Texas Gold, Vegas Gold, White